FAQs UpGrade Mobility

What is UpGrade Mobility?

UpGrade Mobility is one of the KIT Graduate Schools, setteled at the KIT Mobility Systems Center. It is an offer for excellent doctorial researchers of the KIT, which contribute the Center’s research focuses with their studies. This program represents an interdisciplinary qualification platform. The professional aim is a systemic qualification of the doctorial researchers beyond their professional domains. This is necessary due to the high interdisciplinary of mobility. The KIT Mobility Systems Center interprets mobility as System of Systems and pursues the vision of Seamless Mobility, which requires an overview and insight in the certain research topics of mobility.

Why should I join UpGrade Mobility?

Besides disclipinary and supra-disciplinary qualification courses, you will be part of an excellent interdisciplinary team of doctorial researchers. Team interactions and networking activites will improve your personal skills and you help to realize our vision of seamless mobility. Our mobility think tanks focus on creation and implementation of new ideas in mobility research.

Who can be part of UpGrade Mobility?

We are looking for doctorial reasearches of the KIT with focus on mobility. The acceptance as doctoral candidate at the faculty must be less than 12 months appart. 

What are the supra-disciplinary qualifications?

Most of the supra-disciplinary qualification courses are provided by the KHYS and the participation is organized by the school. These include standard courses about sientific working and writing, time managment, career options etc. But also non-standard courses like creation of a patent, working in an interdisciplinary team etc.

What are the (inter)-disciplinary qualifications?

There will be different Seminars for research topics of the mobility systems center and the different doctorial researchers of the graduate school.  Also the e-mobility online colloquium of the Innovation Campus Mobility is included. Wer are furhter planning sommer schools, mobility think tanks, guieded insitute tours,  etc.

How do I applicate?

Information about the application can be found here

Any questions left?

If you have any furhter questions you may find the answer . If not, feel free to contact the managing director.