Vehicle Concepts


In the Topic Vehicle Concepts, innovative and sustainable vehicles are designed which arise from the require-ments of future-oriented mobility systems. The focus of activities is on overall system considerations, from re-search into use cases to digital design and the development of a demonstrator vehicle. Interfaces to other Topics result from the requirements, e.g. from the Topic Infrastructure and Society, as well as the technical possibilities, e.g. from the Topic group Technologies.

The development of sustainable vehicle concepts is one of the central challenges of future mobility systems. The Topic Vehicle Concepts places people at the center of the development and validation of methods for future vehicles. By integrating development approaches at the component level, a holistic vehicle concept can be de-veloped. Important research activities in this context are, for example, the definition of vehicle functions, the interaction of Systems of System structures as well as methods for the control of complex systems.

Topic Spokesperson

Prof. Dr. Martin Cichon



For research on vehicle concepts, the entire development process can be mapped in the Topic. Fleet tests of vehicles on the Test Area Autonomous Driving Baden-Württemberg are possible, as well as tests on test benches under realistic conditions for vehicles weighing up to 40 tons. For that, XiL methods and defined interfaces are used. User studies can also be carried out in driving simulators or in real traffic to evaluate vehicle concepts. The evaluation by the user is carried out using scientifically validated methods.

Last but not least, the importance of electrics and electronics in vehicles is increasing. From research on thermal vehicle conditioning concepts to high automation, the Topic is investigating new systems for vehicles. This con-sequently forms a direct interface to the Topic of Digitization in Mobility and Electric and Electronic.

Research Focus


Vehicle Concepts

From digital design to development of demonstrator vehicles, research and development work can be supported.


Control strategies for vehicles

Digitalization will shape vehicles in the future. Therefore, the Topic offers methods in the interaction of electrical and electronic systems in the vehicle. This makes it possible to integrate the vehicle into digital mobility concepts.



Human-centered vehicle development

The vehicle experience as well as the usability of the user will gain in importance in the future, also against the background of high automation. One example is takeover and handover scenarios in highly automated vehicle operation, where interaction with the user must already be consistently taken into account during development.

Integration of development approaches at subsystem level

Usage of innovative approaches and research results from the area of subsystems offer new possibilities for vehicle concepts. Lightweight design approaches are one example for reducing the weight and increasing the efficiency of vehicles. Methods support the integration and validation of subsystems for vehicle concepts.
